So That You Can Finally Embrace The Music Inside You Without  Any Second-Guessing Or Frustration

There’s A Better Way To Learn To Play The Guitar Based On The Practical Experience of Gigging Thousands Of Live Shows And Teaching Over 10,000 Lessons


For Just A Low, One-Time Payment of $197


You spend just 30 minutes a day with guided, easy-to-follow lessons, and just 8 weeks later you would be able to play actual songs your friends think are amazing, be able to speak to other musicians so you can jam with them, and build your confidence while creating a routine that will help you level up your guitar playing for years to come?

Even if you already feel like you’ve tried everything else!

You could sign up to work with a professional guitar teacher with over 20 years of experience and know that you were getting all of the skills, knowledge, and practice instructions you needed to learn how to play both lead and rhythm guitar?

You could use bite-sized lessons to learn the different skills you need without the intense frustration of having to guess what to do and going after your musical dreams alone?

That is what the I Can Play Guitar course will do for you. Not only is all this possible, but I do it for people of all ages who want to learn to play the guitar, constantly

You Might Be Wondering, “How Are Your Guitar Lessons Different Than The Other Stuff I’ve Already Tried?”


I’ve been on the receiving end of a lot of false hype and undeliverable promises. But I would never do that to you. It’s my mission to help you play the guitar. If you’re anything like me, you’ve tried these things before, all without any worthwhile results

You’ve used a random collection of YouTube videos without any direction, but you don’t know which one to watch first or how to follow the instructions on the video because you can’t even see where the person’s fingers are.

You’ve tried to hire someone local for a few bucks to teach you in a music store near your house, but those lessons just didn’t give you the results you hoped for, and your playing afterward didn’t live up to your expectations.

You’ve tried to learn to play the guitar yourself with a chord chart and a music book, and then been frustrated when you still couldn’t play the way you wanted.

The I Can Play Guitar course is different because when you sign up for my course, you don’t just get a music teacher. You get a trusted resource. Plus, everything is taught in a friendly way. A lot of my students and friends tell me I give them rock-star bro energy which is encouraging for them as they learn to level up on guitar. Instead of you feeling frustrated or like you don’t know what to practice next, I help you learn how to play the guitar in digestible chunk.

Plus, I help you avoid feeling stuck by giving you other tasks to switch to when you need a break from one of the other concepts. And all with the same strategies I used during thousands of gigged events and when teaching over 10,000 lessons so that you can finally unlock that guitar-playing badass who has been living inside this whole time.

In this course, I give you every tool you need to succeed—so all you have to do is the actual practice. And I even give you ideas of how you can keep that momentum going by using your newfound guitar skills to play with other musicians with just enough music theory to have musical conversations without feeling intimidated by too much musical knowledge.

That’s why today is the day to sign up for the I Can Play Guitar course.

What are you waiting for?

For Just A Low, One-Time Payment of $197!

You Need Without the Hassle of Trying to Guess What You Should Be Learning Or Getting Stuck With An Approach That Doesn’t Fit How You Learn

It’s Time to Make Your Guitar Course Work For You, Instead of the Other Way Around

  • People who know they have music in their hearts, but are tired of trying to learn the guitar on their own by doom scrolling on YouTube or TikTok.
  • Those who struggle with staying consistent who know they need someone to help them find a practice routine they can actually use.
  • People who understand that teaching themselves how to play guitar isn’t their superpower.
  • Those who realize it’s time for them to focus more on actually doing the things that will give them results long term when it comes to playing the guitar—instead of taking a risk by paying a teenager to teach them things like hand positioning, scales, strumming, picking, and music theory.
  • Anyone who feels stuck because they know their guitar playing could be so much better.
  • Those who want to teach themselves so they can say they’re someone who can do everything on their own.
  • People who are fine feeling stuck because they don’t have the knowledge of how they should really be spending time practicing to get real results when it comes to playing the guitar.
  • Anyone who doesn’t like to have a musical expert come in and simplify their path to playing the way they want with clear, proven methods.


My name is Rob Spampinato, and my specialty is helping everyone who has a musician trapped inside them learn music in an approachable way using proven methods I know work from years of touring and teaching so that they can finally start their journey to embracing themselves as the guitarists they’ve been wanting to be all along.


It’s true that my passion for you making monumental progress as a guitar player makes me unique in the world of music instruction. I understand what it takes to create the habits that are going to take your playing where you want it to go. All because I had to learn how to do the same thing when I was first learning to play the guitar.

After quitting what would eventually become my favorite instrument as a kid—all because my music teacher didn’t get me—I learned how much it matters to make lessons fun and challenging at the same time. Once I met a teacher who taught me how to do that, I was hooked.

And now, I’m the teacher who gets to help students have fun while practicing skills that will level up their playing. All through the power of rock-star bro teaching energy combined with a lifetime of working with people who want to make music a part of their every-day lives.

After 20 years as a professional guitarist, I can help you make your guitar gently weep, using a method that makes playing fun. Without you actually having to put together the different pieces that will help you become a well-rounded guitar player on your own.

It is my personal mission to help you have a blast while you learn a skill that will add a ton of joy to your life—all so that you can finally see yourself as the music maker you’ve always known you could be in your gut.

That’s my story, and I can’t wait to learn yours.

  • The all-important basics—including the names of the strings, how to tune your guitar, how to hold a pick, the parts of the guitar, and how to read guitar tabs.
  • How to play chords, the minor pentatonic scale, a pentatonic lick, epic power chords, and awesome chord progressions.
  • A way for you to play barre chords like a pro, no matter how badly your fingers want to misbehave.
  • Just enough guitar theory for you to be able to talk to and play with other musicians, but not so much that you feel stuck or frustrated.
  • How to practice so that you see real results but also have so much fun you want to keep playing every single day.


And I’ll even help you play popular songs like “Back in Black” and “Enter Sandman” so that you can cement your skills but also be able to showcase your new abilities to friends and family in a way they’ll understand.

And Since I Want You to Be 100% Sure that This is the Solution You’ve Been Looking For, Let’s Go Through Some of the Things You Still Might Feel Unsure About

Other people are offering this kind of course for free, so why are you charging for it?

There are two important reasons why this course isn’t free. The first has to do with you. When something is free, your brain is more likely to look at it and say “If this is free, it’s probably not worth my time. Otherwise they wouldn’t give it away without charging.

And because I want you to succeed, I need your brain to see this as an investment it can’t just totally dismiss. When you invest with money, you are more likely to go through the course and see the results you can get from it. That’s what I want for you.

The second reason has to do with me. I know that the work I do is valuable. I have spent over 20 years working in the music industry, I have the formal education, and I’ve worked hard to become an excellent teacher. That means I’ve invested hundreds of thousands of dollars and an insane amount of hours developing the skills that allow me to help you play the guitar, have fun doing it, and see long-lasting results.

I’m not comfortable working with someone unless they also value my investment into becoming the guitar expert I am today. That’s a personal boundary I have, and it’s important to my daily mindset.

If you would rather take a free course, that’s cool. But I’m not the teacher for you. There’s freedom for both of us in that statement.

Why can’t I just do this on my own? That way I don’t have to pay someone else.

Because you don’t already instinctively know what you need to learn or how to learn it. When you want to become excellent at something, you need someone who is already excellent to break down what makes them good at what they do in order to teach it to you. Not every person who is amazing at playing the guitar can help you become an awesome guitarist

You need a teacher, you need a proven method, and you need to give yourself permission to invest time and money in learning something that is going to change the way you see yourself forever.

There is no way you’re going to help me actually be able to play the guitar in just 2 months. That’s impossible...

It is impossible for you to learn to play the guitar—even with my course—if you aren’t willing to put in the practice and fight through whatever your guitar chooses to fight you on. But, if you follow my methods and learn how to take a break when something is tripping you up to focus on one of the other core concepts of guitar playing, you will be able to keep going and growing.

My proven, choose-your-own-adventure style of teaching is the reason my students don’t get frustrated and end up quitting.

And if you go through each of the modules and spend time practicing the chord parts and guitar parts I guide you through, spending just 30 minutes a day practicing (taking the weekends off if you want), you will be able to say “I can play guitar” in just 60 days.

I know it’s possible because I’ve seen this work over and over again for guitarists of totally different ages with all sorts of different backgrounds.

Plus, this course is more sustainable than anything else I’ve seen in that everything is delivered in bite-sized morsels so you don’t become overwhelmed. And, you can use everything you learn immediately.

You don’t have to go in order because all of the pieces tie together in different ways. As you go, the course is designed to give your brain quick wins so you want to keep goin

What if I can’t afford fancy equipment like I see all over social media?

A $100 guitar in the hands of someone who doesn’t yet know how to play needs just as much help as a $10,000 guitar in the hands of someone who doesn’t yet know how to play.

It’s a myth that having more expensive equipment will make you a better guitar player.

The only thing that can actually make you better is time plus expert knowledge in the form of easy-to-understand lessons. And that’s what you get in the I Can Play Guitar course.

Why should I choose you as my teacher when I can get courses from other famous
internet celebrities?

The truth is, I’m just a regular guy who decided it would be worth it to try to make playing the guitar into a career. And I succeeded. If you want someone who had amazing talent out of the gate and didn’t have to work hard to get to where they are today, cool. But that’s not me. I fought for every single note I’ve played throughout my career. And now I’m endorsed by the third-largest guitar manufacturer in the country—PRS Guitars. I’ve toured all over the United States and learned how to sustain my music career without having to be a star. Doesn’t that sound like more of what you want?

Plus, I approach the instrument in a diverse way so that you have success you can sustain forever.

And, I’m the bestselling author of a book that teaches others to embrace the awesomeness of music, owner of a brick and mortar music business, I’ve taught over 10,000 virtual lessons, had my music on mainstream radio in various genres, and I’m super nice!

When you take these lessons with me, it’s going to be fun. If you sign up for a program with someone else, you might get access to more songs, but it’s just a bunch of random teachers. You can’t actually walk through specific challenges with them, and there’s no heart in those programs.

When you go through the I Can Play Guitar course, you’ll be able to pay for lessons with me after that if that's what you want. You definitely don’t have that option with the other YouTube guitarists.

How long will it take for me to complete this entire course?

You could bang it out in a week or a couple of days, but you need to continue to go through each playing module so that you can get comfortable with the skills you need.

To see the best results, I recommend you spend 30 minutes a day during the week working through the different modules and using the practice calendar. If you do that, within 2 months you will definitely be able to say “I can play guitar.”

Don’t Take My Word For It, See What Other Guitar Students Are Saying About The I Can Play Guitar Course:

“My daughter Brianna has been loving Rob's course. Her guitar playing blows me away. ‘I Can Play Guitar’ gave her the confidence to play guitar in front of people. I highly recommend this program.

- Alicia

“I was a complete beginner when I started ‘I Can Play Guitar,’ but now I feel like I'm well on my way to becoming a real guitar player. The lessons are clear, concise and easy to follow, and the course materials are well-organized. Highly recommended!!”

- Danielle

“I've been trying to play guitar on and off for years. It just never clicked for me. The ‘I Can Play Guitar’ online course was just what I needed for everything to make sense! Rob is knowledgeable and supportive, and the course is designed to help you improve your skills quickly and effectively. I'm blown away by how much I've learned and how much my playing has improved!”

- Paul

“I've tried a lot of online guitar courses over the years, but ‘I Can Play Guitar’ is by far the best. The lessons are well-structured and easy to follow, and I loved the choose-your-own-adventure format. I've learned so much from this course, and my playing has improved significantly. I can't recommend it enough!”

- Mike

“As a busy professional, I don't have a lot of time to dedicate to practicing guitar, but ‘I Can Play Guitar’ online course has made it easy for me to fit lessons into my busy schedule. The lessons are to the point and convenient. I'm thrilled with my progress so far and can't wait to see how far I can go with this course!”

- Jimmy

“I've wanted to play guitar my entire life, but never took the leap. I looked at YouTube videos, but as a beginner, I felt totally overwhelmed. I saw a few of Rob's lessons on Youtube and decided to give ‘I Can Play Guitar’ a chance. Guess what happened? I Can Play Guitar!!! If you’ve ever wanted to play guitar, this is the cause for you!!”

- Nolan

This Is Everything You’ll Get When You Sign Up For The

Course Today

Module 1 (Value $597)

Learn the most essential things you need to know about your guitar. Skipping over this foundational material will cost you, but a lot of music teachers don’t want to work through this with you right away because they think it will make guitar playing look boring

In this course, everything will be fun and important, but it will also set you up to succeed. In the essentials, we’ll go over the names of the strings, how to tune your guitar, how to hold a guitar, what the different parts of the guitar are, and how to read guitar tabs so you can learn to play your favorite songs.

Module 1 (Value $597)

Learn the most essential things you need to know about your guitar. Skipping over this foundational material will cost you, but a lot of music teachers don’t want to work through this with you right away because they think it will make guitar playing look boring

In this course, everything will be fun and important, but it will also set you up to succeed. In the essentials, we’ll go over the names of the strings, how to tune your guitar, how to hold a guitar, what the different parts of the guitar are, and how to read guitar tabs so you can learn to play your favorite songs.

Module 2 (Value $1,997)

If you paid for individual lessons, the time you would have to pay for would easily be over $2,000—at least. But with the I Can Play Guitar course, it’s included in our comprehensive program.

In this module, you’ll learn guitar chords, how to play the minor pentatonic scale, how to play a pentatonic lick, why there are really no wrong notes, how to play power chords, and the different 2-, 3-, and 4-chord progressions.

Module 2 (Value $1,997)

If you paid for individual lessons, the time you would have to pay for would easily be over $2,000—at least. But with the I Can Play Guitar course, it’s included in our comprehensive program.

In this module, you’ll learn guitar chords, how to play the minor pentatonic scale, how to play a pentatonic lick, why there are really no wrong notes, how to play power chords, and the different 2-, 3-, and 4-chord progressions.


Module 3 (Value $499)

Barre chords can feel tricky, but they are one of the most amazing tools you’ll have as a skilled guitarist. In this module, you’ll learn easy steps that will have you playing chords like a pro, no matter what people have told you about how hard barre chords are to play.

Module 3 (Value $499)

Barre chords can feel tricky, but they are one of the most amazing tools you’ll have as a skilled guitarist. In this module, you’ll learn easy steps that will have you playing chords like a pro, no matter what people have told you about how hard barre chords are to play.

Module 4 (Value $799)

You don’t need to be intimidated by music theory anymore. In this three part section, you’ll learn about the chromatic scale, all the notes, finding the notes on the fretboard, the spaces that live between the notes and how they relate to each other, and what triads are and how they’re super awesome for sounding like a legitimate guitar player. Plus, learning this theory will let you communicate with other musicians if you want to take your playing to the next level by joining a band.

Module 4 (Value $799)

You don’t need to be intimidated by music theory anymore. In this three part section, you’ll learn about the chromatic scale, all the notes, finding the notes on the fretboard, the spaces that live between the notes and how they relate to each other, and what triads are and how they’re super awesome for sounding like a legitimate guitar player. Plus, learning this theory will let you communicate with other musicians if you want to take your playing to the next level by joining a band.

(Value $299)

Guitars can get pricey, fast. And there are definitely an overload of choices. How will you know if an electric or acoustic is right for you? And what brand should you trust? How can you make sure that you aren’t spending money on vanity features that won’t do anything for your playing? All of the information you need is packed into this short and sweet section of the course. This one lesson alone could save you literally thousands of dollars.

Plus, I’m also going to give you these bonuses so you have absolutely everything you need to succeed.

(Value $299)

Guitars can get pricey, fast. And there are definitely an overload of choices. How will you know if an electric or acoustic is right for you? And what brand should you trust? How can you make sure that you aren’t spending money on vanity features that won’t do anything for your playing? All of the information you need is packed into this short and sweet section of the course. This one lesson alone could save you literally thousands of dollars.

Plus, I’m also going to give you these bonuses so you have absolutely everything you need to succeed.


(Value $47)

Learn how to practice so that you can level up without the frustration of having to guess what would really take your playing to the next place you want it to go.

(Value $47)

Learn how to practice so that you can level up without the frustration of having to guess what would really take your playing to the next place you want it to go.


(Value $197)

Learn how to practice by working with Rob through video, but also gain access to a play-along practice video guide that will give you the motivation you need to get in at least 30 minutes of practice each day.

(Value $197)

Learn how to practice by working with Rob through video, but also gain access to a play-along practice video guide that will give you the motivation you need to get in at least 30 minutes of practice each day.


(Value $497)

Learn how to play crowd-pleasers that will showcase your newly acquired guitar-playing awesomeness. The following songs make up the lessons inside Rob’s Song Vault: Rockin in the Free World, Crazy Train, Sweet Home Alabama, Dani California, Back in Black, Whole Lotta Love, and Enter Sandman.

(Value $497)

Learn how to play crowd-pleasers that will showcase your newly acquired guitar-playing awesomeness. The following songs make up the lessons inside Rob’s Song Vault: Rockin in the Free World, Crazy Train, Sweet Home Alabama, Dani California, Back in Black, Whole Lotta Love, and Enter Sandman.

This Package’s Total Value Is: $4,934

But If You Sign Up Today, You’ll Get The I Can Play Guitar Course For Over 90% Off!

Are You Ready To Finally Have The Help You Need To Make Sure You Can Understand Music And Play The Guitar Like You've Always Wanted?

For Just A Low, One-Time Payment of $197!

Rob's School of Music - Š All Rights Reserved 2025 | 104 Lafayette Ave Suffern, NY 10901

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